It’s on Us

It’s On Us is a nationwide effort to reduce sexual assault by focusing on three key areas: bystander intervention, consent education, and survivor support. Educational resources can be found here.

For victim-survivors, the organization provides a number of different resources.


  1. Think about what you enjoy doing. This could be anything from a walk around the block during lunch to a weekend trip to the national park. Self care looks different for each of us.
  2. Schedule a time to do it each day, week, or however often you feel it is needed. Put time on your calendar for it to remind yourself to do it and to not schedule other things for those times.
  3. Think of ways to incorporate relaxing activities in your day to day schedule. This could be anything from closing your laptop while you eat your lunch to leaving your phone in your bag while you commute to work or school.
  4. Spend time with those that make you happy. Surround yourself with people that are fun and supportive.
  5. It’s okay to say no. If you feel like your body or mind will not benefit from doing something, take a break to rest or do something you do enjoy and that feels relaxing.
  6. Take care of your body. If you are feeling tired, try to get to bed just a few minutes earlier each day.
  7. Think about why you are doing the self care activity. Remind yourself why you are taking time out of your day to do something that is not for work or school β€” it is for you! Self care helps us recuperate from a stressful or busy schedule and to be more productive afterwards.