Take Back the Night Speak Out tonight

Join us tonight, April 26th, at 7 p.m. in the lower quad for the Take Back the Night Speak Out. The Speak Out is an annual event with the mission of ending sexual, relationship, and domestic violence in all forms. The Speak out allows victims and survivors of gender-based violence and intimate-partner violence to share their stories and/or pieces of writing or art to empower themselves and raise awareness of the issue in a supportive, “off-the-record” space.

As audience member, please respect the following guideline when in attendance:

  1. While we invite open expression, we do ask that everyone be respectful to others in the audience. Please feel free to leave the space and visit one of the debriefing spaces offered around campus.   
  1. The speak out is “off the record”, meaning that no reports will be made of any of the stories.   
  1. No “photography” unless the speaker specifically gives permission for their image to be used.  
  1. Although this space aims to provide a supportive environment, anyone can attend this event. Please do not assume all individuals in the audience are allies.   
  1. To respect the survivors speaking, please maintain discretion over the information you hear. Please do not repeat it, post online, or gossip about it.  
  1. Those who exhibit behavior against the mission of the event will be asked to leave the area.