The Sexual Assault Climate Survey is an effort to collect students’ perceptions on unwanted sexual contact and sexual assault, how the College addresses and responds to sexual assault, and whether and how often students have experienced unwanted sexual contact or sexual assault. In the 2019-20 collection of data, 219 of the 1,381 students participated (12%) in the Climate survey.
Fast Facts:
- A majority of participants agreed that they felt safe on campus and felt a part of the K community.
- Many participants believe in the support and aid of other students. More than three-quarters of participants stated they believe they would have the support of other students as the person making a report. As well, a majority of students believed that other students would intervene if they witnessed a sexual assault.
- A majority of the participants believe that the campus officials will take a report seriously; approximately half of the participants indicate they believe that campus officials will take action against the offender.
- Similar to other institutions and student victim-survivors, participants who indicated they experienced sexual assault reported they had concerns of social exclusions, retaliation, and worries of not being believed when making a report.
What Now?
- A trend was identified in open-ended responses around lighting and visibility on campus. In light of this trend, cameras and lighting were updated in identified locations.
- While a majority of participants indicated a positive and helpful view on prevention education, the grant team continues to update and personalize prevention programming on campus. Prevention programs now include peer-led programs, topics on boundaries between family members and friends, and more coverage of definitions of identified terms (e.g., sexual assault, stalking, harassment, etc.).
- Several steps have been taken to review policy and procedures of handling of sexual assault cases. Many participants noted an uncertainty or misunderstanding of the amnesty policy. This policy has been revised and implemented as of the 2021-2022 academic year. Please see Student Code of Conduct for updated language.
- Lastly, the Director of Gender Equity and Title IX office has engaged in a continued effort to build trust, education, and transparency in the TIX office. The Student Title IX (STIX) committee was developed in the 2020-21 academic year. This committee works in partnership with the TIX Coordinator on policy review, education and efforts for transparency.